01.12.2024 Legislative power is the heart of the state, executive power is its brain. Jean-Jacques Rousseau French philosopher, composer and writer (1712-1778)
01.11.2024 The judge must be not only law-abiding, but also wise. Demosthenes of Athens Prominent orator of ancient Greece (384-322 BC)
01.10.2024 There are two beginnings of justice. harm no one and benefit society. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC) Roman political scientist and philosopher
01.09.2024 Justice must be strong and strength must be justice. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) French mathematician, physicist, philosopher and writer
01.08.24 For the country to live, it is necessary for the rights to live. Adam Mickiewicz Polish poet, figure of the national liberation movement (1798-1855)
01.07.2024 It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Pythagoras (570 – 495 BC) Greek philosopher, mathematician
01.06.2024 A conqueror of others is strong, a conqueror of himself is powerful. Lao-Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher (VI-V centuries BC).
01.05.2024 Law is the highest manifestation of human wisdom, which uses human experience for the good of society. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English novelist, lexicographer, literary critic.
01.04.2024 A judge must be not only a jurist, but also wise. Demosthenes famous orator of Athens and Ancient Greece (384-322 BC)
01.03.2024 There are two beginnings of justice. harm no one and benefit society. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC) Roman political scientist and philosopher
01.02.2024 By silencing a person, you still haven’t convinced them. John Morley (1890 – 1923), English statesman
01.01.2024 People are tormented not by things themselves, but by the ideas they have formed about things. Michel de Montaigne “Experiments”, French philosopher (1533-1592)